
There did exist a period of time when my heart was overflood with unexplicable joy and love. It was a time when I walked down the street smiling without any concrete reasons. Is there a need to have a reason for being happy? The reason might be the sun and the sky, clear and shinny;it might also be the autumn leaves, fallen in order to welcome the chilly autumn time. How could I not love the world as its seasons come and go?
That specific moment of my life, not soon before, seemed to vanish and evaporate from my mind. Who let this tragedy occur? I will never experience that unique moment anymore, nor will my naiveness get back ever again. The trasition was more than necessary, hauting my mind ever since. Doomed in life shall never be changed. Who could ever explain the sudden alteration without hurting my feeling? Or to give a logical reason? No, there shouldn't be any reason as there was no reason for my temporal happiness either. Yet deep in my heart, a sudden profoundness appears. I know the reason because somehow, I know the location of my pain, something that I would prefer to have it hidden, ignored, or killed with whatever necessary means. Destiny is just a naughty girl, playing everyone's fate on her hand, a fate that we have no choice to reject but to face.
It was harshly striken with the words and gestures by someone whom you would never ever expected to underappreciate your soul. Those are the poison that ruined my joyous life, the venous that rotten my heart, the apple that expelled Adam and Eva from the garden of Eden. The sullen nights with tear dropping becomes my nightmares because it is uncontrollable. Emotions poured out like a just awaken volcanoe from a sweet dream,
Once it begins, there's no ending for it. You would not change the mellow fruitfulness for any other thing.

    創作者 badkc 的頭像


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